

Groups that perform worse than individuals: a reassessment of Condorcet’s Jury Theorem under defensible premises

Self-reference in Gödel sentences

Self-reference in Gödel sentences


In praise of cheating

In praise of cheating

Indexicals, demonstratives, liar paradoxes and dialetheism

Indexicals and Demonstratives I, April 6-7, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw .

Indexicals, demonstratives, liar paradoxes and dialetheism (Slides)


Throffers.  The Nature and logic of coercive proposals

SOPhiA 2021 (Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2021) (Salzburgiense Concilium Omnibus Philosophis Analyticis), University of Salzburg, September 9 2021.

Throffers Sophia2021